Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Placement activities

Placement activities are based on an integrated approach to providing information, guidance and support to students and graduates, academic staff and companies so that they can fill in the gap that often exists between the expectations of those who enter the job market and the various requirements of the business system.

The University Committee for Employability aims to promote sustained dialogue with companies, right from the moment of setting down the academic programmes to be offered, starting with the professional skills and abilities that the market places value on.

The Committee is a reference point for associations, public bodies, businesses, banks and insurance companies who wish to:

  • collaborate with the university in its work of guiding students and graduates towards the working world and a career path, by giving them the opportunity to acquire the means to make their first contact with the job market and a career which matches their personal expectations and skills;
  • have direct contact with Università Cattolica students and graduates to promote their corporate culture and professional growth:
  • use university channels to search for resources with the skills that match their recruiting needs.

To date, 80 prestigious businesses operating at global level have chosen to become partners with Università Cattolica in their activities of career guidance and job placement.